Sunday, July 17, 2011

My First Battlegrounds

I made my human warrior, SwiftyDueler. It was extremely difficult to quest without any BOA gear. I didn't hit hard at all and I was dying every other mob. I long for the days I can send my BOA gear to another server. Blizzard why can't you develop some type of NPC that you sell your BOA gear to making it redeemable at anytime by alts across various servers. He could also be placed at various questing locations to ensure people will find the NPC and redeem their BOA gear. 

As I was leveling I met another person who was a fan of Swifty, Kevey. He and I quested together for a bit before queueing for battlegrounds at level 10. We got into the bgs and it was a disaster. Neither of us had BOA gear on us and we got wrecked. Here are some screenshots of two battlegrounds I did. Forgive my screen shots if they're too big I'm still learning how to blof.

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