Sunday, July 24, 2011

Swifty Unbanned

I found out that Swifty was unbanned. Now my "Get to level 85 so I can duel Swifty" goal is back on. I need to come up with a better name than that.

I did get back to doing some bgs on my warrior and one thing I have to say about bgs is that it is extremely difficult doing them on a brand new server without any funding or boa gear. I have some screenshots attesting to that fact you'll see my low damage and high deaths. One thing I've been thinking of doing is turning off my experience and doing a few dungeon runs to get some decent gear. Hopefully, it won't be too terrible and it'll get me some gear to use for the bgs. I'll have to use wowhead to see what the best/easiest gear to get at the appropriate level is.

On a side note, I bought a Razer Naga. I bought it to use on my main but I don't see why I can't use it on my warrior.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Swifty Banned

Unfortunately, I just found out Swifty was banned. I don't know any details so I won't try to divulge any information but know that I am deeply saddened. I had just begun trying to live a better life and Swifty was making that goal easier to accomplish. Now that he's banned and the status of his youtube videos is unknown I'm not sure if I can continue along this path and succeed. Until the status of his ban is set in stone I will be putting my warrior project in hiatus.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My First Battlegrounds

I made my human warrior, SwiftyDueler. It was extremely difficult to quest without any BOA gear. I didn't hit hard at all and I was dying every other mob. I long for the days I can send my BOA gear to another server. Blizzard why can't you develop some type of NPC that you sell your BOA gear to making it redeemable at anytime by alts across various servers. He could also be placed at various questing locations to ensure people will find the NPC and redeem their BOA gear. 

As I was leveling I met another person who was a fan of Swifty, Kevey. He and I quested together for a bit before queueing for battlegrounds at level 10. We got into the bgs and it was a disaster. Neither of us had BOA gear on us and we got wrecked. Here are some screenshots of two battlegrounds I did. Forgive my screen shots if they're too big I'm still learning how to blof.

The Journey to Duel Swifty

I've been watching Swifty on youtube for a while now. I like his videos on pvp because that was my first experience when I started playing WoW. Recently he made an irl channel and on that channel he shows his real life. What I like about those videos is he sets a good example for peoples and tries to get them to be fit although they are gamers by eating healthy, exercising, and having fun outside of WoW. I have to admit I let WoW consume my life for a bit. Swifty helped pull me out of that life I was living. I'm trying to eat better and get more exercise. Hopefully, I can have a much better and healthier life balanced with WoW.

I'd like to thank Swifty for helping me out. I'm going to do that the only way I can think of, by dueling him. So what I'm going to do is level a warrior to 85 on his server and duel him. I plan to do this solely through pvp. I don't know how long it'll take going this route but I thought I'd make this blog to document my journey. I don't have an amazing computer than I can record my travels with. I'm going to take a screenshot of every battleground summary so everyone can see my progress. Thanks for reading my blog.